Thursday, May 21, 2009

Hooping around!

Wowie-zowie! The other day at 'playschool,' a couple of the moms & I tried using the hula-hoops - without much success!
Then today, on jamie's blog there was a great bit about her 'authentic professionalism' class - & mention of one of the attendees, Allison, a 'hoopdance instructor' ??

Sooo - I checked out some sites & blogs, called my local toystore (they checked into it, & ended up suggesting trying an online source - or making my own!!) Jonathan in Boulder has a video, as do several others - & there was a hoop conference over in Bend last month, with 100 attendees from all over! Boo!!

Several gals in Portland (~ an hour or so N of me) teach Hooping - & there's a certification coming in the fall with C from Hoopgirl - then there's a Hoonotica trained instructor, & Jason has posted instructions for making your own hoop! Seems those 'kid' hoops don't spin easily 'cause they're too light!!

This just sounds like a lot of fun! My daughter says that Alyssa's 3rd grade teacher 'hoops' while watching TV, & when she mentions doing hula (to a DVD by Kili - great!) her friends think she's hula hooping!

I'll keep you posted!!


Genie Sea said...

It's a lot of fun! I joined Allison's hooping class even though I had a sore back, and I managed to keep the hoop going for 7.2 seconds! :)

3T Heppenstall said...

I have always loved the hula hoop! It's fun and a great workout!

Anonymous said...

You'll be rocking it by the time "Flow" (the hooping conference that just took place in April) rolls around again. Actually, if you find yourself totally lost in the hoop (it happens, trust me) there's HOOP CAMP in September in Santa Cruz, California ;]

Adult-sized hoops are totally the key to success. We've grown up & our hoops need to as well!

If you have any questions, feel free to give me a shout! :]